My first real estate clients are on the books! The nerve-shattering first house sale has been completed and I have to say it was thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. This lovely couple have found the perfect house for their growing family and I am very thankful that they were willing to work with me and to be open to different house options.
The search for a four bedroom house was not easy as most homes are advertised as three bedrooms. We even looked at a few homes which advertised bedrooms that weren’t actually bedrooms but spaces in a basement with no windows – not the place you want your children to sleep! On a visit to a split level home in their desired area they commented that there were only three bedrooms yet I immediately saw that the third level was the perfect shape to add a bedroom without compromising the living space.
The wonderful thing about this process is that my clients were willing to envision the extra bedroom and how we could include a large closet for their oldest child to live in. Even though the house didn’t have exactly what they needed, it held the potential for the perfect living space and it was delightful to see the light bulb moment on their faces when they realized that this home was exactly what they wanted.
My experience with clients often includes me walking down the path of potential as we look at options for their current home or a new home. My favorite compliment is ‘I would have never thought of that! It always makes me smile when people ‘get it’, it’s a wonderful meeting of the minds.
A home can be more than just four walls, every home has the possibility of being reworked, tweaked and customized to perfectly fit your needs. It is easy to frame yourself into a mindset and overlook a potential property that COULD be perfect. You might even be living in your perfect home, you just haven’t realized the full potential of how amazing your home could be with just a few tweaks.
Mortgage options are far more creative than they used to be and it is possible to purchase a home with extra funds for renovations or use current equity in your home for improvements. I have been playing with the idea of creating a basement suite in my home but didn’t like the idea of sharing the basement laundry with a tenant. One night I was looking at my third (unused) bedroom and suddenly it came to me – split the bedroom and put laundry upstairs and a walk in closet into the master bedroom! It was a brilliant idea which came to me after living in the house for over a year, a perfect solution for my future suite and a huge closet for me. This is what people refer to as a win win situation.
When looking for a new property or considering the home you are living in, look out for the potential and not just one that fits the formula. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find when you think outside the four walls and four bedrooms – your dream home is probably right under your nose!